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A middle ear infection, also known as acute otitis media, is an inflammation of the air-filled area beneath the eardrum where the tiny vibrating bones of the ear are located. Ear infections are more common in children than in adults.
Since ear infections frequently go away on their own, pain management and problem monitoring may be the first steps in treatment. Antibiotics may occasionally be used to treat infections. Multiple ear infections can be a frequent problem for some people. This may lead to major issues including hearing loss.
Immunize your youngster.
Ensure that your youngster has received all required vaccines. According to studies, children who receive vaccinations experience fewer ear infections. The pneumococcal vaccine offers a defense against the common cause of middle ear infections, Streptococcus pneumoniae. Ear infections can be avoided with the flu vaccine.
Washing hands with soap and running water can help stop the transmission of germs that can lead to colds and ear infections in both children and adults. Particularly after using the restroom, when preparing food, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose, hand washing is crucial.
Give your baby breast milk. Antibodies found in breast milk can help shield your infant from several ailments, including ear infections. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises exclusively breastfeeding your infant for the first six months, after which it may be continued as long as both mother and child wish to do so. During the first 6 to 12 months of life, breastfeed your child.
Don’t drink in bed.
When your infant is lying down, avoid feeding him or her a bottle. Milk can collect in their throats and go to their Eustachian tubes, where it will serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.
Prevent exposure to smoke
Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke exposure by not doing so. An increased risk of ear infections has been linked to smoking. Possible explanations include smoke-induced inflammation of the Eustachian tubes and diminished performance of our ears’ mucous removal system when there is smoke. Keep in mind that you should not permit smoking inside, outside, or in your automobile. Make sure the daycare and school where your children attend are smoke-free establishments.
Limit the use of pacifiers
Ear infections are more common and have been linked to pacifier use. Suctioning may prevent the eustachian tube from functioning properly.
To avoid middle ear infections, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians advise weaning children from pacifiers in the second six months of life.
Transfer your youngster to a more compact daycare facility.
Children in big centers are more likely to be exposed to upper respiratory viruses, which puts them at risk for ear infections.
Baby with a bottle at a straight angle.
If you bottle-feed, hold your child at an upright angle (head higher than stomach). Formula and other liquids may return into the eustachian tubes when feeding in the horizontal posture. A baby holding his or her bottle may also allow milk to enter the middle ear. This issue can be resolved by weaning your infant from the bottle between the ages of nine and twelve months.
Look out for snoring or mouth breathing. Large adenoids could be the reason why you snore constantly or breathe through your mouth. These could be a factor in ear infections. It may be essential to undergo an otolaryngologist examination and potentially an adenoidectomy (the removal of the adenoids).
Get your shots.
Ensure that your child has received all recommended vaccinations, including the annual influenza vaccine (flu shot) for those 6 months of age and older. Ask your doctor about meningitis, pneumococcal, and other immunizations as well. Ear infections can be avoided by avoiding viral and other illnesses.
Avoid smoking.
According to studies, secondhand smoke increases the risk of ear infections. Make sure no one smokes inside the house, in the car, at the daycare center, or anywhere else where children may be present.
Managing allergies
The Eustachian tube can get blocked due to inflammation and mucus brought on by allergic reactions, which increases the risk of ear infections.
How are infections in the ears treated?
Sometimes it’s necessary to treat severe cases immediately away or cases that continue longer than 2-3 days with antibiotics, like amoxicillin. Your doctor might advise watchful waiting for mild cases of middle ear infection or delayed antibiotic prescribing, where the prescription is supplied with the recommendation to wait 2-3 days to fill it. Even when prescribed, antibiotics take between 24 and 48 hours to start working. Fortunately, taking over-the-counter fever and pain relievers is one of the easy, efficient ways to lessen your child’s discomfort and anguish during an ear infection. Your kids could still get recurrent ear infections despite all your precautions. Consequently, he or she might need to check by an ear, nose, and throat specialist.
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