World’s Top 10 Smart Cities!

World’s Top 10 Smart Cities!


– Utilizing an autonomous fleet to support older humans or those with the limit mobility move around

– Adopting AI-powered chatbots and robotics talking to the elderly to serve relevant information and lessen loneliness

– Digitising the healthcare pattern that, amongst other stuff, permit for TeleRehab and TeleHealth video consultations


– Provides apps that authorize hail self-driving vehicles, access info. tailored to particular demographics, and receiving location-specific environmental alerts

– Gather insights and citizens perceptions using technology as Hello Lamp Post’s communication participation.



– A waste management pattern transporting waste underground pipe systems.

– A huge amount of data analysation that feeded into construction projects and upcoming planning in the city

– Digital forms for more administrative matters and procedures

– An incentive for humans to walking or utilize environmentally friendly transport, where humans collecting points which they could exchange for the free sauna visit



Switzerland’s city Zurich aims on 3 main zones in its smart strategy: Future forms of smart participation, integrated public mobility, and digital city. Thereby, numerous smart projects are carry out, such as:

– Pikmi – an on-demand taxi service that utilizes car-pooling to transporting more than one passenger at a time that need to travel in the similar direction

– LoRaWan – a Long Range Wide Area Network that laying the ground for IoT sensors in public spaces that could support to measure free parking lots, pollution, and water values

– HoloPlanning – With augmented reality glasses like as the HoloLens, underground pipelines, future buildings, and much more as semi-transparent 3D holograms is made visible on-site 



Smart Street Pilot – which applied data in the real-world situation to refine operational effectiveness, efficiency, resilience and safety across all transportation services and modes

– Auckland Hospital Digital Twin – permits for troubleshooting fast way and track asset management, supporting to lessen cost

– Scan & Go – a Covid 19 response to making shopping safer. New tech. were utilized to generate this app that permitted shoppers to scan for groceries all from their smartphones, lessening contact between individuals.



– Oslo Toll Ring – an automated toll structure that serves generates revenues and incentive rates for zero-emission vehicles that support to finance the city’s mobile programmes

– FutureBuilt – a programme that includes set up 50 neighbourhood and building development projects, bring together public and private partners to supporting construction projects that lessen carbon footprint by 50 %, comparison to present standards

– Smart Oslo Accelerator – a platform that making it easy for local councillors and the private sector, particular way start-ups, to meet



Copenhagen is working actively on making the city cleaner, smarter and healthier, tackling the issues that arise with the progressing population. Besides that, This city provides free access to drive innovations to public data sources like the City’s tech solution that supports predicting free parking spots by blending historical data, machine learning, real-time data, and  algorithms.



Transforming the territory, for and with its inhabitants” is the banner with which the Canton of Geneva launched a Smart Geneva initiative. This city also delights itself in having a smart parking system that works based on the series of sensors that informs drivers straight away on their phones, which could help to reduce traffic significantly. Besides that, the city serves increased public safety, modular lighting, and more sustainable recycling services.

Taipei City

Taipei City

– Taipei Navi – a mobile application that supports to explore a vehicle’s location

– Taipei City CooC-Cloud – a digital learning platform that is designing to delete the knowledge gap between the urban and rural zones and serve free courses

– Smart Public Housing – visualises residents’ gas consumptions, water, and electricity to encouraging resource-save behaviour



– The fact that the city is an open data source. This denotes that everyone has an access to data set collections and information

– The MijnBuur app, which is designed to support citizens to construct neighbourly relationships. The app permits neighbors to communicate straight way to alerting each other of dangers or point out matters that wanted to be done in the apartment building

– The Amsterdam Smart City Initiative – utilizing statistics from the insurance companies to discover out zones with higher levels of individuals with depression that does not have access to the essential care-taking resources

More projects involve: schemes like Tool Lending Libraries or Repair Cafes, which are often run exclusive way by the public, for the public

New York

New York

– Recycle old mobile phone boxes and turn them into kiosks – this permits humans to charge their devices and connecting them to the kiosk to get fasting, free WiFi

– Leveraging IoT utilizing GPS trackers – keeps New Yorkers informed about when buses would arrive. The sensors on the buses are also able to communicate with traffic lights, which would turn green when the bus arrives. This authorizes buses to reach the destination on time.

– The BigBelly is the smart trash can – that is equipped with the wireless sensor to monitor trash levels which supports picking up services to optimising their routes

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