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It’s difficult to determine how much time children spend on their gadgets, but it’s easy to distinguish between children who are simply playing with their phones and those who are using them for pleasure or distraction. Increased anger and tantrums when losing access to a phone or tablet are apparent signs of smartphone addiction in children. Recognizing the symptom is the first step in ending the cycle of smartphone addiction in children. Turning a blind eye may cause more harm than identifying the problem and creating solutions.
Educate youngsters on the dangers of excessive screen time: You may feel compelled to confiscate your child’s smartphone every time they use it. Setting rules without explaining why they are there rarely has the desired effect. Before establishing screen-time limits at home, explain the negative impacts of excessive screen time to your child in a language that they will comprehend.
Set a daily restriction on how much time your youngster can spend on his or her smartphone. Setting a schedule is an excellent method for getting children to follow rules while also reducing some of the stress associated with raising small children. It is not recommended that children under the age of 18 months be exposed to screens. Children between the ages of 18 and 24 months can be exposed to high-quality children’s activities for a limited time under the supervision of their parents. Screen time should be limited to one hour each day for children aged two to five. For children above the age of six, parents can set a reasonable time limit while ensuring that the child receives adequate nutrition opportunities for engaging in healthy sleep habits.
Limit screen time
Establish a daily digital-free zone at home: When your child goes to bed, try not to keep his or her phone in his or her bedroom. This can result in nighttime struggles and inappropriate sleep patterns, affecting your child’s general growth and development. Even if there isn’t a predetermined bedtime, make sure your child isn’t spending too much time staring at screens after dark. Furthermore, no screen usage during mealtimes, homework time, or in public places. There is nothing wrong with being severe even during tantrums. Giving in to your child’s tantrums will not teach them to value rules since they will learn how to get away with breaking them.
Encourage physical activity
Make certain that your youngster participates in physical activities and is devoting sufficient time away from electronics at home to play outside or engage in other physical activities. Consider restricting screen time at home if he or she spends too much time on electronics. Participating in activities with children is an excellent approach to guarantee that physical games are entertaining and interesting enough to keep them engaged.
Prioritize other things
Make sure your youngster completes homework, studying, and housekeeping before using a mobile device. This aids in the establishment of priorities at a young age.
Make a media strategy: The best strategy to limit unfettered media intake is to create a formal family media plan. This is a methodical strategy to teach your child to use media ethically from the start.
Engage children in activity-based learning
Children use phones for pleasure and amusement. Children enjoy challenges. Mobile games are appealing because they present new difficulties at each new level. Kids can learn while having fun by engaging in activity-based learning.
Maintain a rigorous smartphone schedule
Setting aside enough time allows parents to keep track of and limit the amount of time their children spend on gadgets, avoiding unneeded smartphone use. By instituting a routine, parents may help their children avoid spending too much time in front of a screen. Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our lives, and keeping them away from youngsters is challenging. As a result, make it clear to your child that he or she can only use your smartphone for a certain time. Other things to consider:
- When your youngster is present, limit your phone usage.
- Phones are not permitted during dinner.
- Before going to bed, no TV or phone.
- Don’t give in to your child’s outrageous request.
Bond with your child
Nowadays, parents’ time with their children is limited due to their hectic schedules. As a result, it is critical to set aside time for bonding activities with youngsters. Engaging your youngster with tasks such as cleaning, cooking, or gardening will keep her away from cell phones. Encourage your youngster to pursue activities such as music listening, instrument playing, reading, and drawing. Spend your weekends enjoying enjoyable family activities such as swimming, playing games, watching movies, and so on.
Active supervision
When kids are immersed in the online world, they don’t pay attention to their posture, screen brightness, or screen distance from their eyes. Active supervision is required to assist the child in maintaining appropriate posture while also providing a fantastic opportunity to co-engage with your children when they use the screen. This promotes socialization, connection, and learning. Interact with them while observing to comprehend what they’re doing and to assist them in overcoming any obstacles.
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